Command-line tool: calrissian-runner
(or calrissian-tool
) is a command-line tool to submit CWL documents to a Kubernetes cluster that relies on a calrissian job.
creates the required kubernetes resources to execute and monitor a calrissian job:
- a namespace
- an optional resource quota for that namespace
- a role for managing pods
- a role for reading pod logs
- role bindings for the roles above
- a persistant volume claim
- a secret for pulling container images
- patch the namespace service account
- a few config maps
calrissian-runner --help
Usage: calrissian-runner [OPTIONS] CWL [PARAMS]...
Execute a Calrissian job from a CWL description
--max-ram TEXT Maximum amount of RAM to use, e.g 1048576,
512Mi or 2G. Follows k8s resource conventions.
If not set, the value is taken from the CWL
resource requirements.
--max-cores TEXT Maximum number of CPU cores to use. If not
set, the value is taken from the CWL resource
--volume-size TEXT Size of the RWX volume for CWL temporary and
output files. If not set, the value is taken
from the CWL resource requirements.
--pod-labels PATH YAML file of labels to add to pods submitted
--pod-env-vars PATH YAML file with pod env vars
--pod-node-selectors PATH YAML file of node selectors to select the
nodes where the pods will be scheduled
--pod-serviceaccount TEXT Service Account to use for pods management
(not implemented yet)
--security-context PATH Security context to use for running the pods
--usage-report TEXT Output JSON file name to record resource usage
--stdout TEXT Output file name to tee standard output (CWL
output object)
--stderr TEXT Output file name to tee standard error to
(includes tool logs)
--tool-logs If set, the tool logs are retrieved
--keep-resources If set, the kubernetes resources are not
--debug If set, the logs contain the debug information
--no-read-only If set, does not set root directory in the pod
as read-only
--storage-class TEXT ReadWriteMany storage class to use for the job
--secret-config TEXT Image pull secrets file (e.g.
~/.docker/config.json) [required]
--monitor-interval INTEGER Job execution monitoring interval in seconds.
[default: 15]
--namespace-labels PATH A YAML file with the namespace labels
--namespace-annotations PATH A YAML file with the namespace annotations
--namespace-quota PATH A YAML file with the namespace resource quota
--copy-results If set, copies the results to the current
directory (experimental)
--help Show this message and exit.
Maximum amount of RAM to use, e.g 1048576, 512Mi or 2G. Follows k8s resource conventions.
Clarissian will allocate tool pods within this RAM limit putting the remaining pods in a queue.
If not set, this value is derived from the CWL ResourceRequirement
, example:
- class Workflow
coresMax: 2
ramMax: 2028
- class CommandLineTool
coresMax: 2
ramMax: 2028
Maximum number of CPU cores to use. Clarissian will allocate tool pods within this number of cores limit putting the remaining pods in a queue.
If not set, this value is derived from the CWL ResourceRequirement
Size of the ReadWriteMay volume for CWL temporary and output files.
If not set, this value is derived from the CWL ResourceRequirement
A YAML file of labels to add to the pods spawned by calrissian
calrissian-runner --pod-labels pod-labels.yaml ...
Where the file pod-labels.yaml
pod-label-1: value_1
pod-label-2: value_2
A YAML file of environment variables to add to the pods spawned by calrissian
calrissian-runner --pod-env-vars pod-env-vars.yaml ...
Where the file pod-env-vars.yaml
env_var_1: "value_1"
env_var_2: "value_2"
YAML file of node selectors to select the nodes where the pods will be scheduled by calrissian.
calrissian-runner --pod-node-selector pod-node-selector.yaml ...
Where the file pod-node-selector
"": default
Not implemented. Service Account to use for pods management.
A YAML file with the security context to use for running the pods.
Output JSON file name to record resource usage.
Output file name to tee standard output (CWL output object)
Output file name to tee standard error to (calrissian job stderr).
If set, the tool logs are retrieved as local files named after the spawned pod name.
If set, the kubernetes resources are not deleted. This is useful for debugging purposes.
If set, the standard error (calrissian job stderr) contains the debug information.
If set, does not set the calrissian spawned pods root directory as read-only.
--storage-class [required]
ReadWriteMany storage class to use for the calrissina job volume.
--secret-config [required]
Image pull secrets file (e.g. ~/.docker/config.json) including the container repositories to pull the container images from.
Job execution monitoring interval in seconds. Defaults to 15 seconds.
A YAML file with the namespace labels.
calrissiantool --namespace-labels ns-labels.yaml ...
Where the file ns-labels.yaml
ns_label_1: value_1
ns_label_2: value_2
A YAML file with the namespace annotations.
calrissiantool --namespace-annotations ns-annotations.yaml ...
Where the file ns-annotations.yaml
ns_annotation_1: value_1
ns_annotation_2: value_2
A YAML file with the namespace resource quota.
calrissiantool --namespace-quota resource-quota.yaml ...
Where the file resource-quota.yaml
requests.cpu: 32000m
requests.memory: 48G
A YAML file with environment variables for the pods spwaned by calrissian
calrissiantool --pod-env-vars pod-env-vars.yaml ...
Where the file pod-env-vars.yaml
env_var_1: "value_1"
env_var_2: "value_2"
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kubeconfig.yaml
calrissian-runner \
--max-ram 8G \
--max-cores 2 \
--volume-size 10Gi \
--storage-class "openebs-nfs-test" \
--secret-config ~/.docker/config.json \
--monitor-interval 15 \
--stdout out.json \
--stderr log.err \
--usage-report report.json \
--debug \
--keep-resources \
Where params-snuggs.yml
is a YAML file with:
- ""
- "blue:(* B01 B01)"
calrissian-runner \
--storage-class "openebs-nfs-test" \
--secret-config ~/.docker/config.json \
--stdout out.json \
--stderr log.err \
--debug \
--usage-report report.json \
--namespace-quota tests/resource_quota.yaml \
--namespace-labels tests/ns-labels.yaml \
--namespace-annotations tests/ns-annotations.yaml \
--pod-env-vars tests/pod-env-vars.yaml \
--pod-node-selectors tests/pod-node-selectors.yaml \
--volume-size 10G \
"" \