rLandsat8 - an R interface to Landsat8

Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR)

The NBR formula is:



product  <- "LC82040322013219LGN00"
l <- ReadLandsat8(product)

ndvi <- ToNBR(l)

\(\Delta \)NBR

Generate the differenced (or delta) NBR:

This isolates burned from unburned areas, provides a quantitative measure of absolute change in NBR.

Practical data range \(\approx \) –500 to + 1300 when scaled by \({ 10 }^{ 3 }\)

Ordinal severity levels and example range of \(\Delta \)NBR (scaled by \({ 10 }^{ 3 }\)) are shown:

Severity Level NBR Range
Enhanced Regrowth, High -500 to -251
Enhanced Regrowth, Low -250 to -101
Unburned -100 to +99
Low Severity +100 to +269
Moderate-low Severity +270 to +439
Moderate-high Severity +440 to +659
High Severity +660 to +1300

These value ranges are flexible; scene-pair dependent; shifts in thresholds +100 points are possible. dNBR less than about -550, or greater than about +1350 may occur, but usually are not considered burned. Rather, they likely are anomalies caused by miss-registration, clouds, or other factors not related to real land cover differences.

Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) need to compute the TOA Reflectance, so you can choose to use the sun angle correction, if sun angle correction is required, specifying is.suncorrected = TRUE (default value is is.suncorrected = FALSE)



prefire <- "LC82040322013219LGN00"
postfire <- "LC82040322013267LGN00"

lspre <- ReadLandsat8(prefire)
lspost <- ReadLandsat8(postfire)

r <- 1000 * dNBR(lspre, lspost)

m <- c(-Inf, -500, -1, -500, -251, 1, -251, -101, 2, -101, 99, 3, 99, 269, 
  4, 269, 439, 5, 439, 659, 6, 659, 1300, 7, 1300, +Inf, -1)
class.mat <- matrix(m, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)

reclass <- reclassify(r, class.mat, right=NA)

reclass <- ratify(reclass)
rat <- levels(reclass)[[1]]
rat$legend  <- c("NA", "Enhanced Regrowth, High", "Enhanced Regrowth, Low", "Unburned", "Low Severity", "Moderate-low Severity", "Moderate-high Severity", "High Severity")
levels(reclass) <- rat

my_col=c('white', 'green', "yellow", "black", "orange", "brown", "red", "purple")


legend(x='right', legend =rat$legend,fill = my_col, y='right')
