GeoBrowser area for data and Cloud processing services



The GeoBrowser is composed of:


The map is just a simple map, on which you can zoom in, zoom out and navigate.

Some buttons maybe used to interact with the map:

  • geobrowser_button_search.png search text
  • geobrowser_button_search_area.png search area
  • geobrowser_button_plus.png Zoom in
  • geobrowser_button_minus.png Zoom out
  • geobrowser_button_query.png Open query search tab
  • geobrowser_button_polygon.png Edit the search bbox by drawing a polygon on the map
  • geobrowser_button_recbox.png Edit the search bbox by drawing a rectangle on the map
  • geobrowser_button_placemark.png Edit the search bbox by selecting a point as AOI
  • geobrowser_button_wkt.png Allow to enter a WKT or upload a shapefile, a kml or a geojson to be displayed on the map as bounding box
  • geobrowser_button_meter.png Measure an area
  • geobrowser_button_fullscreen.png Put the map in full screen
  • geobrowser_button_layers.png Change the background of the map | Select layers to be displayed.

Search area

From the geobrowser, a search area can be accessed by clicking on the geobrowser_button_search_area.png button. This expands a view containing all search parameters associated to the current catalogue on which the search will be performed. Some parameters are just free text, others can be chosen from a list, and some parameters can be filled from the geobrowser. This is the case of:

  • the temporal parameter which can be filled by moving the temporal bar present on the geobrowser.
  • the geographical area which can be filled either from the bbox drawn on the map using geobrowser_button_polygon.png, geobrowser_button_recbox.png, geobrowser_button_placemark.png or by uploading a shapefile, a kml or geojson file, using the import button geobrowser_button_wkt.png.


in the Search Term field supported wildcards are ‘*’, which matches any character sequence (including the empty one), and ‘?’, which matches any single character.

It is also possible to add layers on the map:

Data Results layer

Display the results (orange polygons) of the current search or context.

Disaster charter layer

Add disaster events on the map (list of events comes from For a better visibility, events are grouped by location, accordingly to the zoom level. If you zoom in, grouped events will split into smaller groups or unique events:

  • geobrowser_disaster_big_group.png group of more than 10 events
  • geobrowser_disaster_small_group.png group of less than 10 events
  • geobrowser_disaster_event.png unique event

You can click on a unique event and get related data or access the webpage related to this event.

Density map layer

Currently disactivated.

Area of interest


Area of interest may be defined by the user using the tools to draw a polygon or a rectangle on the map (see Map). Once set, the search will be automatically updated with data corresponding to this AOI.

Area of interest external definition

Complex Area of interest can be defined by uploading or referencing a vector based file:

  • shapefile (limited to 1MB)
  • kml (limited to 1MB)
Area of Interest according to processing service

Area of Interest may be directly used to fill bounding box parameters exposed by Processing services. For that, you can use the get_param_from_map_button.png button, displayed along the parameter input field. Clicking on it will allow directly to fill the input with the value of the current search bounding box.



Some pre-defined context are accessible on the top of the map. One context is the result of a query on a specific catalog with pre-defined search parameters. The existing pre-defined contexts are:

  • EO data
  • EO processing
  • Publications
  • Community



The result tab is divided in two parts:

  • On the left, the Results Table showing the list of current results displayed on the map. Results are paginatd, only 20 items are displayed, select another page to discover more products.
  • On the right, the Features Basket showing all data in the current basket.

Results can be dragged fron the left table to the basket. Then the basket can be saved as a new data package and shared with other users. Saved Data packages can then be loaded into the basket. (see data for more details)

Cloud Processing

Processing services tab can be expanded by clicking on Processing Services on the right of the map. It is composed of two sub tabs.


Processing services tab

This tab contains the list of available Processing Services. Usually, only 20 Processing services are displayed. If you are looking for a specific one, you can filter the results using the Filter services input.

Jobs tab

This tab contains the list of available jobs associated to your user. Details on jobs can be accessed by clicking on the title of the job.
