Guide to Terradue Open Source projects

Terradue / abiquo4One

Language Created Last update Stars Forks
Ruby 2013-11-18T14:16:57Z 2014-09-05T08:14:53Z 0 0


Abiquo4one is a driver for OpenNebula that provides a way to use providers that expose the abiquo API, using the Apache jclouds library. It uses a Command Line Interface (CLI) developed with the Apache jclouds Labs part of that library (for example abiquo-cli), specific for abiquo API.

This work has been co-funded by the European Space Agency (ESA).


Implements hybrid Cloud computing, to support Cloud bursting, with the ability to work with a variety of Cloud providers that exposes the abiquo API, such as:


  • This driver requires OpenNebula 4.2.
  • A JClouds Labs Command Line Interface (CLI) (for example abiquo-cli)

Installation by RPM

This project is developed with Maven and the RPM provided with the rpm-maven-plugin (read pom.xml). Once you have built the project, install the package by:

rpm -Uvh abiquo4one.rpm

Manual Installation

To manually install the Driver, you have to download the repository as a ZIP:

cd abiquo4one-master

Copy the main driver files in the cloud controller machine:

cp src/main/ruby/im_mad /var/lib/one/remotes/vmm/jclouds-labs
cp src/main/ruby/im_mad /usr/lib/one/mads
cp src/main/ruby/tm_mad /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/jclouds-labs

Copy the configuration driver files in the cloud controller machine:

cp src/main/resources/config/im /etc/one/im_jclouds-labs
cp src/main/resources/config/vmm/jclouds_labsrc /etc/one/
cp src/main/resources/config/vmm/vmm_exec_jclouds-labs.conf /etc/one/vmm_exec


Configure the OpenNebula installation, adding the jclouds Labs Information Manager, Virtual Machine Manager and the Transfer Manager. It can be done adding to the file /etc/one/oned.conf the following lines:

    IM_MAD = [
        name       = "im_jclouds-labs",
        executable = "one_im_jclouds-labs",
        arguments  = "im_jclouds-labs/im_jclouds-labs.conf" ]

    VM_MAD = [
        name       = "vmm_jclouds-labs",
        executable = "one_vmm_sh",
        arguments  = "-t 15 -r 0 jclouds-labs",
        default    = "vmm_exec/vmm_exec_jclouds-labs.conf",
        type       = "xml" ]

    TM_MAD = [
        executable = "one_tm",
        arguments  = "-t 15 -d dummy,lvm,shared,qcow2,ssh,vmfs,iscsi,ceph,jclouds-labs" ]

Configure the provider parameters modifying properly the configuration file /etc/one/im_jclouds-labs/im_jclouds-labs.conf and the file /etc/one/jclouds_labsrc:

cat jclouds_labsrc
# User parameters
:identity: "identity-name"
:credential: "credential-password"

# Provider parameters
:api: "url-api-access-point"
:cli: "abiquo"
:datacenter: "datacenter-name"
:appliance: "appliance-name"

Restart the server via:

one stop 
one start

Using the Driver

Step 1 - Setup the Cluster

Create a cluster on OpenNebula, named for example 'jclouds-labs', using either the Sunstone GUI or via the following command:

onecluster create jclouds-labs

Step 2 - Setup the Datastore

Create a datastore on Opennebula, named for example 'jclouds_labs-ds', using either Sunstone GUI or the following commands:

$ cat ds.conf

NAME    = jclouds-ds
TM_MAD  = jclouds-labs

onedatastore create ds.conf

Step 3 - Setup the Host

Create an host on Opennebula, named for example 'interoute', using either the Sunstone GUI or the following command:

onehost create interoute --im im_jclouds-labs --vm vmm_jclouds-labs --net dummy

Step 4 - Prepare a Virtual Template

Prepare a template suitable for the abiquo4one Driver, named for example 'interoute-vm', using either the Sunstone GUI or the following commands:

    $ cat jclouds_template.txt
        FILES="file1 file2"

    $ onetemplate create jclouds_template.txt
    ID: 2

Note. The contextualisation section (CONTEXT) is optional.

Step 5 - Starting the Virtual Machine

Start the VM either via the Sunstone GUI or via the following command:

onetemplate instantiate 2
