Stripmap mode Interferogram generation with DIAPASON
DIAPASON is an InSAR tool suite developed by the French Space Agency (CNES) and maintained by ALTAMIRA INFORMATION.This service performs an InSAR workflow on ENVISAT,ERS(RAW and SLC) or Sentinel-1 (SLC) stripmap data, producing interferograms, amplitude and coherence maps. To run this service , specify a master and a slave image of the same mission.
EO sources supported:
- Envisat ASAR
- ERS (RAW and SLC)
- Sentinel-1 StripMap SLC
Output specifications
- Interferometric Amplitude
- Interferometric Coherence
- Interferometric Phase
In this tutorial we will use the GEP service DIAPASON InSAR StripMap(SM) to generate an interferogram from two Sentinel-1 images.
When processing Sentinel-1 data , it is important to select the correct data type for this processor. For this , in the “Search Terms” field you may type “SM AND SLC AND NOT GRD” in order to filter Sentinel-1 Stripmap SLC scenes. If you know the track number of the images you want to process , you may add this track number as an additionnal filter. When processing ERS or ASAR data , you may filter with the “Search Terms” field according to the track number.
Select the image to be used as master and Drag and Drop the entry into the “InSAR master” filed, then select the slave image into the “InSAR slave” field. Make sure the images are from the same track , and from the same mission (i.e process Sentinel-1 with Sentinel-1 , ASAR with ASAR ,ERS with ERS).
This option has an effect only when processing Sentinel-1 data.The selected polarization should be available on each of the two images. This option is ignored when processing ASAR or ERS data.
You may set this option in order to process an area smaller than the coverage of the two images by using a spatial filter from the left geo panel over the area. This will set the current area selected on the map as area of interest for the processing. When left blank , the area processed is the intersection between the two input images.
The coregistration procedure implemented in DIAPASON for stripmap data includes a cross-correlation of the images. A multilook is applied on the SLC images (For Sentinel-1 the multilook factors are 8x4 , 10x2 otherwise) ,and the cross-correlation is applied on the multilook images.
The value for the Goldstein filter exponential factor shall be a floating point value between 0 and 1. Higher values will result in more filtering of the output interferogram phase.You may disable the Goldstein filter by setting the exponential factor to 0.
To enable the phase unwrapping of the interferogram select “true” on the drop down list. By default , the phase unwrapping is disabled.
It is possible to download the result files , first by selecting them on the Results Table , a descriptive window about the file shall appear on the map . Clicking on the “download” button retrieves the file.