G-POD PF-ERS Service



The ERS PF is the ESA operational Level-1 SAR processor developed by MDA. This processor, integrated on the ESA’s Grid Processing On Demand (G-POD), perform on-demand production of L1 products.

EO sources supported:

  • SAR Level-1

Output specifications

To be defined

Select the processing

Select the files to process

  • From the bottom right panel, load the data package called “PF-ERS Tutorial” which contains the following input ERS-2 SAR Level-0 product:

Fill the parameter values

Mandatory paramters

  • As Job title, type:
  • As input Files, drag and drop the selected product:
  • As Processor, type:
  • As Subset Input files before processing, type:

Run the job

  • Click on the button “Run Job” at the bottom of the PF-ERS processor tab, and monitor the progress of the running Job:
  • Wait for the Job completion, then check the status is set as “Successful Job” and and download the PF-ERS processing results once the Job is completed: