UM-SSO plugin

!include includes/skins.iuml
skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2
!include target/rst/in/group___auth___umsso.iuml

This module enables external authentication using UM-SSO mechanism. In the core, the Context component provides with an interface that allows using HTTP headers present in the HHTP context to authenticate the user. Associated with a set of rules, the Authentication is able to establish a protocol to authenticate user.

Next “Code ruleset” is the excerpt of the ruleset configured to enable UM-SSO authentication. The externalAuthentication is declared with the method UM-SSO. accountType maps the rule to an account. The rule is applied only if the condition that specified that the header is present and not empty. Then the value present in is used as login username and user is registered automatically if not yet present in the database with register=”true” and the user receives a account creation mail with the mail information found in header Umsso-Person-Email.

Following diagram depicts the User status when logging with UM-SSO.

    if (secured service?) then (yes)
      if (UM-SSO logged?) then (yes)
        if (user in DB?) then (yes)
          if (user pending activation?) then (yes)
            :reinvite user to confirm email;
        else (no)
          :create user account in db;
          :set account status to **Pending Activation**;
          :send confirmation email to user;
          :invite user to confirm email;
      else (no)
        :redirect user to UM-SSO IDP;
    :process service;

GeoHazards TEP User account activity diagram
(c) Terradue Srl

Next diagram depicts the scenarios that applies when a user perform an HTTP request to a web service protected by UM-SSO. This scenario is the “normal” case where user credentials are correct.

actor "User\n(Web Browser)" as U
participant "Web Server\n(ngEO SP checkpoint)" as W
participant "Web Service\nusing :Context" as C
participant "Authentication\nConfiguration\nAuth.xml" as A
entity "UM-SSO Identity Provider" as I


== UM-SSO authentication ==

U ->> W: HTTP request
activate W

alt "user not authenticated on UM-SSO"

W -->> U: HTTP redirect\nto IdP
deactivate W
activate U
U ->> I: login form URL
deactivate U
activate I
I -->> U: login form
deactivate I

U ->> I: username & password
activate I
I -> I:Authenticate user
I -->> U: user credentials (cookie, SAML token, validity period, redirection)
deactivate I

U -> U: Write cookie
U ->> W: HTTP redirect


activate W
W ->> I: check User attribute
activate I
I -->> W: Identity attributes in SAML
deactivate I
W -> W: Create a security context
W -->> U: HTTP redirection\nto original resources
deactivate W
activate U

== Web Server authentication ==

U ->> W: original HTTP request
deactivate U
activate W
W -> C: original HTTP request\n+ additional HTTP headers
deactivate W

activate C

C -> A: Read configuration
A --> C: Authentication RuleSet
C -> C: Apply ruleset\nto HTTP Headers

alt "User not present in DB"

C -> C: Register new User\n(username, email)


C -> C: Initialize Local Context\nwith user space
C -> C: Perform request

C --> W: HTTP response
deactivate C
W -->> U: HTTP response

DIAG_NAME version ${project.version} / ${buildNumber}
(c) Terradue Srl ${project.inceptionYear}


Normative References

  • EO op UM-SSO Interface Control Document [SIE-EO-OP-UM-SSO-ICD-002]