
Represents a remote provider of a Web Processing Service.

!include includes/skins.iuml
skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2
!include target/rst/in/class_terradue_1_1_portal_1_1_wps_provider.iuml

This class is used as the computing resource on which WPS processes, which are equivalent to tasks, run.


Type Name Summary
bool Proxy Define if the provider is to be proxied or not


Type Name Summary
void StoreProcessOfferings() Get and stores the process offerings from GetCapabilities url
bool ExecuteTask() Executes the task.
WPSCapabilitiesType GetWPSCapabilitiesFromUrl() Return a GetCapabilities object from GetCapabilities url
ProcessDescriptionType GetWPSDescribeProcessFromUrl() Gets the WPS describe process from URL.
bool GetTaskResult() Gets the task result.
WpsProcessOffering GetProcessOffering() Gets the process offering.