WPS Provider

!include includes/skins.iuml
skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2
!include target/rst/in/group___wps_provider.iuml

This component is an extension of Computing Resource for providing with WPS Server as a processing resource. It has two main functions:

  • analyses the GetCapabilities() function of the WPS server to retrieve all the process offered.
  • submits, controls and montiors processing over a WPS Server

Below, the sequence diagram describes the analaysis process to retrieve WPS services and parameters.

!define DIAG_NAME WPS Service Analysis Sequence Diagram

participant "WebClient" as WC
participant "WebServer" as WS
participant "Provider" as P
participant "Cloud Provider" as C
participant "DataBase" as DB


== Get Capabilities ==

WC -> WS: GetCapabilities request
activate WS
WS -> DB: Load all Providers (Proxy=true)
loop on each provider
    WS -> DB: load services
    loop on each service
        WS -> WS: get service info (identifier, title, abstract)
WS -> C: Load all Providers
loop on each provider
    WS -> P: GetCapabilities
    WS -> WS: extract services from GetCapabilities using request identifier
    loop on each service
        WS -> WS: get service info (identifier, title, abstract)
WS -> WS: aggregate all services info into response offering
WS -> WC: return aggregated GetCapabilities
deactivate WS

== Describe Process ==

WC -> WS: DescribeProcess request
activate WS
alt case process from db
    WS -> DB: load service from request identifier
    WS -> DB: get provider url + service identifier on the provider
else case process from cloud provider
    WS -> C: get service provider
    WS -> P: GetCapabilities
    WS -> WS: extract describeProcess url from GetCapabilities using request identifier
WS -> WS: build "real" describeProcess request
WS -> P: DescribeProcess
WS -> WC: return result from describeProcess
deactivate WS

== Execute ==

WC -> WS: Execute request
activate WS
alt case process from db
    WS -> DB: load service from request identifier
    WS -> DB: get provider url + service identifier on the provider
else case process 'from cloud provider'
    WS -> C: get service provider
    WS -> P: GetCapabilities
    WS -> WS: extract execute url from GetCapabilities using request identifier
WS -> WS: build "real" execute request
WS -> P: Execute
alt case error
    WS -> WC: return error
else case success
    WS -> DB: store job
    WS -> WS: update job RetrieveResultServlet url
    WS -> WC: return created job
deactivate WS

== Retrieve Result Servlet ==

WC -> WS: RetrieveResultServlet request
activate WS
WS -> DB: load job info from request identifier
WS -> P: call "real" statusLocation url
WS -> WS: update href in response to put local server url instead of real provider
WS -> WC: return updated statusLocation response
deactivate WS

== Search WPS process ==

WC -> WS: WPS search request
activate WS
WS -> DB: Load all Providers
WS -> C: Load all Providers
loop on each provider
    WS -> P: GetCapabilities
    WS -> WS: get services info
    loop on each service
        alt provider is Proxied
            WS -> WS: create local identifier and save remote identifier
            WS -> WS: use local server url as baseurl
        WS -> WS: add service info to the response
deactivate WS

== Integrate WPS provider ==

WC -> WS: POST provider
activate WS
WS -> DB: store provider
WS -> P: GetCapabilities
WS -> WS: get services info
loop on each service
    alt provider is Proxied
        WS -> WS: create local identifier and save remote identifier
        WS -> WS: use local server url as baseurl
    WS -> DB: store service

(c) Terradue Srl



  • extends Computing Resource for WPS specific resource
  • exports WPS Server as a computing resource as a OWS Context model.
