Enterprise Viewpoint - Definitions

We present hereafter the Enterprise Viewpoint describing the Geohazards Thematic Exploitation Platform (TEP). This viewpoint defines the purpose, scope and policies governing the activities supported by the Platform accross the GEO and CEOS initiatives. It provides the basis for checking the conformance of the Platform implementation.

Architecture viewpoints

Standards and services supporting the user requirements and the data access and sharing policies expressed in this RM-ODP Enterprise Model and in the RM-ODP Information Model are identified in the RM-ODP Computational Model.

Software packaging and infrastructure deployment constraints are compiled in the RM-ODP Technology Viewpoint and the RM-ODP Engineering Viewpoint.

Modeling concepts

According to RM-ODP, the Geohazards TEP’s Enterprise Viewpoint specification is structured in terms of communities and community objects. The community is modeled with the following concepts and their relationships:

Objectives of the community An objective is specified in a community contract (e.g. a charter, a directive, ...) in terms of a foreseen community achievement that the Platform will support by enabling a collective behaviour.

Roles and Processes of the community behaviours The roles model the users, the owners and the providers of data or informations processed by the system. The processes model the sequence of actions carried out to fulfill an objective.

Policies The policies model a set of rules related to a particular purpose, that specify a behaviour, or constraints on behaviour, of the Platform. They implement a particular business or operational decision. A policy enveloppe concept encompasses the successive policy values applied during the lifecycle of the system.