
Abstract base class for processing services.

!include includes/skins.iuml
skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2
!include target/rst/in/class_terradue_1_1_portal_1_1_service.iuml


Type Name Summary
string Description Gets the service description.
string Version Gets the service version.
string Url Gets or sets the URL.
string IconUrl Gets or sets the icon URL.
int Rating Gets the service rating.
int ClassId Gets the service class ID.
BuildTaskCallbackType OnBuildTask Gets or sets the callback method that is called for building a task from the given parameter values, which should include the creation of jobs and the calculation of required resources.


Type Name Summary
ServiceParameterSet GetParameters() Gets the parameters.
void CheckParameters() Checks the parameters.
abstract void BuildTask() Builds the task.