
!include includes/skins.iuml
skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2
!include target/rst/in/group___service.iuml

This component is a wrapper for all users’ application level functionalities. It implements an open framework to plug services that then creates Task or Scheduler. This framework controls common service functionalities:

  • Persistence of Data on the service
  • Service definition parsing and template build
  • Task creation Practically, every service implements IService that defines all the parameters the service must or may include in the task or scheduler and several functions that
  • prepares the data access request view template for the web client;
  • reviews the parameters’ correctness;
  • builds the task with parameterized jobs composition. Once the task created by the service, the assigned Computing Resource handles it for submission.



  • Persistence of Data stores the service reference in the database
  • Authorisation controls access on the services
  • creates new Task
  • is available on Computing Resource


  • class_terradue_1_1_portal_1_1_script_based_service
  • struct_terradue_1_1_portal_1_1_service_1_1_category
  • Terradue::Portal::Service