The Enterprise Viewpoint describes the Geohazards Exploitation Platform’s science and business requirements and how to meet them.
The main purpose of the system gathering together the GEP community is expressed in a contract that specifies how the community objective can be met. This contract:
The satellite EO and geohazards community is growing in size and importance, with the advent of large new initiatives and projects of global interest. The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) is coordinating globally this community, through its Disasters Working Group. The geohazards platform or GEP contributes to this expanding community a unique set of tools, allowing them to forge new applications in direct collaboration with large numbers of actors.
In particular, the community will benefit from a cloud-based workspace, allowing advanced EO data exploitation activities and offering access to a broad range of shared processing tools. GEO is a community platform. Each partner brings tools and processing chains, but also has access in the same workspace to large data sets and shared processing tools.
The vision for the Platform was inspired by the Scientific & Technical Memorandum of the the International Forum on Satellite EO for Geohazards [R1].
The platform is intended to support operational users with a mandate in seismic risk management, as well as a range of geoscience users in research institutes and universities. Operational users are focused on disaster prevention, preparedness, early warning, and response. Academic users are focused on the scientific use of data, with the main goal of understanding the physics of earthquakes, thereby improving our ability to characterize, understand, and model seismic risk. Overall, the Satellite EO for Geohazards community encompasses the following actors:
The CEOS Working Group on Disasters is committed to support and enhance the access to in-situ and satellite observations, at the global scale, for this geohazards community. This is defining the main purpose of the Geohazards Thematic Exploitation Platform, that we refine hereafter into a set of community objectives. The system is then designed in terms of processes that meet these objectives. Such processes (see the next section “Scope of the system) allow the system actors to interact and behave in order to fulfill the stated goal and objectives. According to the RM-ODP approach, the complete behaviour for a role in the community is modelled by the actions for that role in a number of processes. Processes (activity or sequence diagrams) and behaviors (state diagrams) are modelled in this Enterprise viewpoint of the RM-ODP architecture.
As a summary, the community is modeled in the RM-ODP Enterprise Specification as a set of stakeholders and their identified roles, governed by a set of community rules.
<< EV_Community >>
The community contract models the agreement amongst the members to work together to meet a shared goal, and more concretely a set of objectives. For the GEP community, the designed system has to implement technical processes that help achieve the following set of objectives.
Exploitation and collaboration
Processor integration
Cloud bursting
Digital science
CEOS Pilots synergy
Geohazards Supersites and Natural Laboratories synergy
Seismic hazards knowledge
Volcanic eruptions monitoring
The next section identifies the GEP processes (EV_Process) to be modelled as activity diagrams.