With the scope of the system, we describe the Platform expected behaviour, i.e., the way it is supposed to work and interact with its environment in the TEP context.
The targeted operational roles are:
Data access
Processor integration
Data processing and Cloud bursting
Data visualization and analysis
Reproducible Science collaborations
Capacity Building through Data Sharing
Within RM-ODP, the scope of the system is modelled as the set of community objectives that are fulfilled by the provided roles and behaviours.
The platform is meant to allow users to easily exploit EO data resources by combining fast data access, processing facilities and flexibility for the user’s own data analysis.
The platform provides Data Access, Data Processing Services and PaaS (Platform as a Service).
Data Access includes the possibility to perform catalogue queries.
Data Processing Services enable users to process data available in the repository using a number of well know tools and to exploit the results.
The PaaS enables users to perform their data exploitation activities with large flexibility and autonomy by using one or several virtual hosts directly provided on the Cloud platform where the data resides.
Users can therefore use their virtual hosts to efficiently access data and processing services, and immediately elaborate results by exploiting the analysis and visualization tools made available from the PaaS, or that they can directly install themselves in their virtual host.
In addition, users can also open their own accounts on a commercial Cloud Provider, and directly provision their virtual hosts independently (through the Geohazards Platform Services).
Roles on the Platform are complying to a community policy (e.g. the data access quota allocated to a Principal Investigator on-boarded on the Platform), and are defined as a set of actions and interactions (EV_Behaviours), observable in the system through process steps involving three types of Enterprise Objects: Actors (e.g. a user), Resources (e.g. datasets, data processors) and Artefacts (e.g. data processing results).
<< Enterprise_Spec >>
Community Roles:
Data access
Processor integration
Data processing and Cloud bursting
Data visualization and analysis
Reproducible Science collaborations
Capacity Building through Data Sharing
<< Enterprise_Spec >>
Community Policy:
ESA EO data access and sharing policy
Third-Party EO data provider data access and sharing policy
Processor terms of use
Public Cloud Provider terms of use
<< Enterprise_Spec >>
Community Processes:
On-demand provisioning of EO processor integration resource
Users can instantiate (on-demand) a processing service appliance, provision the appliance on a pre-configured Cloud Provider and invoke the processing via the OGC Web Processing Service interface.
Users define input data and select a results location (e.g. portal, cloud block storage, dropbox, google drive, ...)
EV_Policy: applicable Public Cloud Provider terms of use
EV_Process: runJob - On-demand cloud appliance
Users can run existing processing services (e.g. G-POD services) and and invoke the processing via the OGC Web Processing Service interface.
Users define input data and select a results location (e.g. portal, cloud block storage, dropbox, google drive, ...)
EV_Policy: applicable Public Cloud Provider terms of use
EV_Policy: applicable EO data access and sharing policies, applicable Processor terms of use
EV_Process: data catalogue query, query results retrieval, results upload to shared storage
EV_Resource: vmCloudToolbox
The platform is meant to allow users to perform data visualisation tasks:
from processing software toolboxes hosted on their dedicated virtual machine: visualize and analyse EO-based products, e.g. to further apply data manipulation tools to them.
from Web Portal Geobrowser: overlay EO data collections density maps, geohazards events layers (e.g. Disasters Charter activations)
still from the Web Portal Geobrowser: combine EO data footprints and EO-based products to support data processing decision making (selection of processing input data, discovery and analysis of data processing results)
EV_Policy: applicable EO data access and sharing policies
EV_Process: Web link referencing, shared Search result referencing, Geobrowser interactions
related to the scientific community curated results (scientific papers)
provides Portal links to collateral resources (like in GEP, data and processors) that allow researchers to understand and reproduce an experiment or a production
dedicated to geotag and reference web accessible content that labs, institutes, agencies, ... are openly sharing on the web (articles and blog posts, products images delivered in web-browser compatible formats, ...)