
This class is the overall container class for the OWS context document.

!include includes/skins.iuml
skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2
!include target/rst/in/class_terradue_1_1_service_model_1_1_ogc_1_1_ows_model_1_1_ows_context.iuml


Type Name Summary
string Title A Human Readable Title for the OWS Context Document
string Abstract Description of the Context Document Purpose/Content
DateTimeOffset UpdateDate Date when the Context Document was updated
List< string > Authors Identifier for the author of the document
string Publisher Identifier for the publisher of the document
Terradue::ServiceModel::Ogc::OwsModel::OwcCreator Creator The tool/application used to create the context document and its properties
Terradue::ServiceModel::Ogc::OwsModel::OwcResource Resources The description of a resource and its access parameters and configuration
object ContextMetadata Additional metadata describing the context document itself. The format recommendation is ISO19115 complaint metadata. The metadata standard used should be specified